Finding Rest in Illusion: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 3

BOOK | Finding Rest in Illusion, Vol. 3

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Finding Rest in Meditation: The Trilogy of Rest, Vol. 3

Finding Rest in Illusion is the third volume of the Trilogy of Rest, Longchenpa’s classic exposition of the Buddhist path. The purpose of these teachings is to introduce us to our most basic nature—the clear and pristine awareness that is the nature of the mind. According to the traditional Tibetan Buddhist formula of view, meditation, and action, this volume follows Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind, which establishes the view of the Buddhist path generally, and specifically that of the teachings of the Great Perfection, and Finding Rest in Meditation, which outlines the main points of meditation, namely, where one should meditate, what qualities a practitioner should possess and develop, and what should be practiced.

by Longchenpa
Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group

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